


Formed by the United States of America, the Allied force is the military group that combined military forces from North American states and Western European states. The scientific teams of the Allied Force has mastered optics theories, and applied them into stealth technology and prism technology.

Allied Structures

Allied Construction Yard
Allied Construction Yard Icon

Allied Construction Yard

The construction yard is the very basic structure of a military base, it cannot be built, but only obtained by deploying a mobile construction vehicle.

Allied Power Plant
Allied Power Plant Icon

Allied Power Plant

The Allied Power Plant is the power supply on the battlefield. Since it is using the traditional method to generate power, the generator is filled with hydrogen gas, and it will cause explosion when destroyed.

Allied Ore Refinery
Allied Ore Refinery Icon

Allied Ore Refinery

The Allied Ore Refinery is for refining valuable resources from the ore, and transfer them into credits in order to train more soldiers and produce more weapons.

Allied Barracks
Allied Barracks Icon

Allied Barracks

The Allied Barracks is the unique facility to train soldiers and crews.

Allied Weapon Factory
Allied Weapon Factory Icon

Allied Weapon Factory

The Allied Weapon Factory is the facility to produce vehicles and helicopters.

Allied Battle Command
Allied Battle Command Icon

Allied Battle Command

The Allied Battle Command is the core facility to build advanced battle control, provides radar service and spy plane communications.

Allied Airforce Command HQ
Allied Airforce Command HQ Icon

Allied Airforce Command HQ

The Allied airforce command headquarter provides ability to build aircrafts and helipad to repair and maintain aircrafts. Also, with aviation radar, it can navigates airborne transport to the battlefield and paradrop reinforcement.

Allied Battle Lab
Allied Battle Lab Icon

Allied Battle Lab

The Allied Battle Lab is the advanced technology provider of the Allied Force, which unlocks various structures, defenses, soldier equipment and battle vehicles.

Ore Purifier
Ore Purifier Icon

Ore Purifier

Ore purifier will increase efficiency of valuable material refining, which brings more credits when every batch of ore refines.

Allied Defense

Allied Wall
Allied Wall Icon

Allied Wall

The wall can prevent ambushes of enemy infantries and light vehicles, it can efficiently block attacks from machinegun.

  • Prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard
  • Power: 0
  • Main Armament: N/A
  • Cost: 50
  • Trait: Obstruct infantries and light vehicles
Pillbox Icon


Pillbox is an effective way to counter infantries and light-armored vehicles.

SAM Icon


S.A.M. stands for Surface to Air Missile, which is the specialized anti-air weapon for Allied force.

Prism Tower
Prism Tower Icon

Prism Tower

Prism tower is the ultimate defense method of the Allied Forece, which possesses a superior mechanism, the Prism Forwarding. Multiple prism towers can weave a supporting network, and cast a hyper photum flux.

Stealth Generator
Stealth Generator Icon

Stealth Generator

The stealth generator is one of the highest technology of the Allied Force. When power up, the stealth generator giveth stealth coating to units and structures within a range, and hide them from enemy attack.

Satellite Telecom
Satellite Telecom Icon

Satellite Telecom

Satellite Telecom provides direct link to military satellite and navigate fortress bombers from homeland to launch air-strike. It is profoundly useful for battle with complex electromagnetic environment.

Weather Machine
Weather Machine Icon

Weather Control Device

In order to win the war, the Allied has started to do research on weather control technology, and the weather control device has come out as result. The weather control device launch hyper beam into the troposphere, and change the molecular movement to generate lightning storm at the target location.

Allied Tactics

Allied Paratrooper
Allied Paratrooper Icon


Paratrooper is the basic reinforcement tactic on battlefield. Paradrop an infantry squad to anywhere on the battlefield and assault the enemy by surprise.

Allied Tropofortress Bomber
Fortress Bombing Icon

Fortress Bombing

The SBX-47 Tropofortress is the low-altitude super sonic bomber. When fortress bombing is launched, the Tropofortress will carry 5 high explosive bombs to the target location and drop them. Remember to aim your target precisely before calling it, because those devastating bombs might hurt our allies too.

  • Prerequisite: Satellite Telecom
  • Cost: 2000
  • Cooldown: 150 Seconds
  • Trait: Drop 5 CBU-32 Bomb
Financial Interest
Financial Interest Icon

Financial Interest

The advantage of free market makes commander invest financial product with purified resources, making profit by financial interest.

  • Prerequisite: Ore Purifier
  • Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 120 Seconds
  • Trait: Gain 10,000 credits
Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm

Lightning Storm

The lightning storm is generated by the Allied's weather control device, which carries thunderbolt that can damage anything on the groud.

Allied Infantries

Assaulter Icon


The Allied Assaulter is the basic trooper of the Allied Force. The assaulters are armed with not only M16 Automatic Rifle, but also M1919 Machinegun which provides stronger fire power. Be aware that only deployed assaulters can use the machinegun.

  • Prerequisite: Allied Barracks
  • Main Armament: M16 Automatic Rifle
  • Cost: 200
  • Traits:
    1. Occupy structures
    2. Drive neutral vehicles
Guardian Icon


The Allied Guardians are heavily armed trooper of the army. They have armed with M60 machine gun and anti-tank rocket launcher, when deployed, they are able to use the anti-tank rocket launcher.

  • Prerequisite: Allied Barracks
  • Main Armament: M60 Machine Gun
  • Cost: 400
  • Traits:
    1. Occupy structures
    2. Uncrushable when deployed
Allied Engineer
Allied Engineer Icon


Engineer is one of the most important role on the battlefield, either repair a building for allies, or capture a building from enemies. Of course, engineers works with knowledge, not force, so they need to be well protected.

  • Prerequisite:Allied Barracks
  • Main Armament: Toolbox
  • Cost: 500
  • Traits:
    1. Repair structures and bridges
    2. Capture buildings
Sniper Icon


Snipers can precisely shooting weakpoints of infantries, and also kill drivers of light vehicles and lead allied infantries to capture them. Additionally, snipers can shoot into windows, clear occupied structures from outside.

Commando Icon


Regroup from Navy SEAL, the Allied commandos are armed with new submachine gun and C4 explosive, conducting special warfare that creating break-through point on the battlefield.

Allied Spy Icon


Spy leads a special warfare on the darkside of the battlefield. They can steal enemy technology, cripple enemy power facility, Jam radars, and bring enemy tactics to chaos.

Allied Vehicles

Allied MCV
Allied MCV Icon

Allied MCV

As the result of the Allied SCP (Standardised Construction Protocol), the M57 Mobile Construction Vehicle is modified from the Piterbuilt heavy load liner, and is capable of off-road ride. When deploy, it can quickly set up a construction yard and build a frontline base.

stealth miner
Stealth Miner Icon

Stealth Miner

The HV41 Stealth Miner is the newly designed ore miner that armed with the brand new stealth technology. Modified from light tank chassis, the Stealth Miner has decent mobility to harvest valuable resources.

grizzly tank
grizzly tank icon

Grizzly Tank

M54 Grizzly tank is the successor of the Allied new generation battle tank. Armed with 90mm M5 cannon, the M54 Grizzly has decent armor and fair rate of fire. Overall, Grizzly is tough and sturdy and with good fire power.

  • Prerequisite: Allied Weapon Factory
  • Main Armament: 90mm M5
  • Ammunition: Armor Piercing
  • Cost: 1600
  • Trait: N/A
IFV Icon


The M21 IFV is one of the best multi-purpose armored vehicle in the Allied Force, armed with 6-barrel Surface to Air Missile Launcher, the M21 IFV is the nightmare of aircrafts. Additionally, M21 IFV can easily swap its weapon depends on operators, and this makes it a truely universal support on the battlefields.

  • Prerequisites:
    1. Allied Weapon Factory
  • Main Armament: MIM-21 Surface to Air Missile
  • Ammunition: High Explosive
  • Cost: 1200
  • Trait: Crew changes weapon
Stealth Tank
Stealth Tank Icon

Stealth Tank

M51 Stealth Tank is the tactical unit of the Allied Force. Armed with quad recoilless rifle, the Stealth Tank has great alpha damage that can destroy most of target in one cycle of shots.

Dawnhawk Transport

Dawnhawk Transport

The UH-0 Dawnhawk is one of the most successful transport helicopter for the Allied Force. It has a large cabin that infantries can shoot from inside. Also, it possesses a radar set that can detect stealth units in the sky.

Prism Tank
prism tank icon

Prism Tank

T67 PMC is the experimental siege weapon of the Allied Force. Armed with Prism System, it can easily destroy enemy buildings and defenses.

Battle Fortress
Battle Fortress icon

Battle Fortress

The T111 Battle Fortress is the ultimate weapon of the Allied Force, it armed with destructive 155mm cannon and can destroy most enemy in one shot. Because of its decent armor, it is tough enough to push all the way to enemy base, and this make T111 the best assault tank.

Dagger Icon


The YF-102D Dagger is one of the fastest fighter in the Allied air forces. Armed with two AA missile, Dagger is a beast for enemy aircraft. It has also armed with an air-to-ground missile in case of enemy tanks ambushing.

Intruder Icon


The XA-6 Intruder is a subsonic attacker of the Allied air force. It can carry two Mk-77 gliding napalm and once fired, the target area will be burned.