


Formed by the Soviet Russia, the Soviet force a.k.a. Red Army is the military group that combined military forces from Eastern European states and South American socialist states. The Soviet scientists are specialists in the field of electromagnetic and nuclear physics, and they developed tesla technology and nuclear technology to apply the military operations.

Soviet Structures

Soviet Construction Yard
Soviet Construction Yard Icon

Soviet Construction Yard

The construction yard is the very basic structure of a military base, it cannot be built, but only obtained by deploying a mobile construction vehicle.

Tesla Reactor
Tesla Reactor Icon

Tesla Reactor

Due to the rapidly growing of the Soviet tesla technology, a tesla reactor has replaced the ramshackle classic power plant. It is a cheaper solution of battlefield power supply.

Soviet Ore Refinery
Soviet Ore Refinery Icon

Soviet Ore Refinery

The ore refinery is one of the most important income of credits. The gathered ore will turn into raw materials transfer into credits to train soldiers and produce weapons.

Soviet Barracks
Soviet Barracks Icon

Soviet Barracks

The barracks is the unique facility to train soldiers. It is a very important structure and one of the key prerequisite for other structures.

Soviet Weapon Factory
Soviet Weapon Factory Icon

Soviet Weapon Factory

The weapon factory is the basic vehicle manufacturer of the frontline. It is capable of producing vehicles, tanks, and even helicopters.

Soviet Radar
Soviet Radar Icon

Soviet Radar

Radar is one of the most important structure for battle command and war zone detection. Additionally, radar can navigate spy plane to expand the sight of strategy.

Soviet Air Force Command HQ
Soviet Air Force Command HQ Icon

Soviet Air Force Command HQ

The air force command headquarter is the facility to manage all operation of air forces. The air force command headquarter can produce and park aircrafts, also provides ammo supply and repairing services.

Soviet Battle Lab
Soviet Air Force Command HQ Icon

Soviet Battle Lab

The Soviet battle lab is a direct subordinate of the Ministry of Defense Industry. It receives and unlocks the higher technology for buildings, defenses, infantries, vehicles and aircrafs.

Soviet Nuclear Reactor
Soviet Nuclear Reactor Icon

Soviet Nuclear Reactor

The nuclear reactor is a traditional way to generate power. However, the Soviet union has successfully minimized the nuclear reactors, makes it easy to build and can almost power up a whole military base.

Industrial Plant
Industrial Plant Icon

Industrial Plant

The industrial plane is the direct subordinate of the Military-Industrial Commission of Soviet Union. With better organized manufacturing project and recycling plans, it can lower the price of weapons.

Soviet Defense

Soviet Wall
Soviet Wall Icon


The Wall protects bases from enemy troopers and light vehicles assault, even the battle tank couldn't pass without destroying it.

  • Prerequisite: Soviet Construction Yard
  • Power: 0
  • Cost: 100
  • Special Tactics: N/A
  • Traits: Infantries and light vehicles can't pass
Sentry Gun
Sentry Gun Icon

Sentry Gun

Sentry gun is a turret armed with 12.7mm machinegun, which can significantly expel and execute enemy infantries and light armored vehicles

Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon Icon

Flak Cannon

Flak Cannon is a traditional and effective way to counter enemy aircrafts. Armed with 85mm ZiS-S-53U with High Explosive rounds, the flak cannon is able to scattering and knock down enemy aircrafts.

Tesla Coil
Tesla Coil Icon

Tesla Coil

Tesla Coil is the auxiliary product from the Tesla Reactor. It can release 100K volts of electricity current and burn infantries immediately. Also, it can cripple enemy vehicles by destroy their electronic devices.

Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency Icon

Intelligence Agency

The Intelligence Agency is the frontline unit of State Security Committee (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti), stealing and analyzing enemy information. From time to time, the undercover agents make enemy units defect.

Nuke Silo
Nuke Silo Icon

Nuke Silo

The Soviet Union has decent nuke arsenal, and the nuke silo is one of them. Nuke silo can launch a high-speed nuclear missile, to deal massive damage to enemy base.

Soviet Tactic

Soviet Paratrooper
Soviet Paratrooper Icon


Paratrooper is the basic reinforcement tactic on battlefield. Paradrop an infantry squad to anywhere on the battlefield and assault the enemy by surprise.

Defection Icon


The agent deep inside of the enemy force will incite defection of enemy units with Maxism and Leninism.

Planned Economy
Planned Economy Icon

Planned Economy

The central government of the U.S.S.R. will continuously provide fund for every commander on the battlefield.

  • Prerequisite: Industrial Plant
  • Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 120 Seconds
  • Trait: Gain 10,000 credits
Nuke Attack
Nuke Attack Icon

Nuke Attack

Nuke attack is a high efficient method of mass destruction. When nuclear missile reach the target, it will create a huge explosion and release radiation among the area.

  • Prerequisite: Nuke Silo
  • Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 120 Seconds
  • Trait: Super Weapon

Soviet Infantries

Conscript Icon


Soviet conscript are basic trooper of the Soviet army, they are armed with AK-47 which brings them higher fire power during urban combat.

  • Prerequisite: Soviet Barracks
  • Main Armament: AK-47 Automatic Rifle
  • Cost: 100
  • Traits:
    1. Occupy Structures
    2. Drive Neutral Vehicles
RPG Trooper
RPG Trooper Icon

RPG Trooper

Armed with RPG-7 Launcher, the RPG troopers have the ability to counter vehicles. Even though the RPG-7 seemes to be a little out-dated for armors, it is still useful because RPG troopers can occupy structures and shoot enemy vehicles inside.

  • Prerequisite: Soviet Barracks
  • Main Armament: RPG-7 Launcher
  • Cost: 300
  • Traits: Occupy structures
Soviet Engineer
Soviet Engineer Icons


Engineer is one of the most important role on the battlefield, either repair a building for allies, or capture a building from enemies. Of course, engineers works with knowledge, not force, so they need to be well protected.

  • Prerequisites:Soviet Barracks
  • Main Armament: Toolbox
  • Cost: 500
  • Trait:
    1. Repair buildings and bridges
    2. Capture structures
Tesla Trooper
Tesla Trooper Icons

Tesla Trooper

The Tesla Troopers are heavy armored infantry unit of the Soviet forces. Armed with 2000 volts tesla caster, the tesla troopers are harmful to both infantries and vehicles, and because of the heavy metal suit, the tesla troopers are bullet proof to snipers.

Desolator Icons


Desolator is one of the special tactic team of the Soviet force. They're armed with full armor radiation proof suit, and equipped with a PRP radiation beam caster which can deal significant damage to enemy infantries, even they're hiding in buildings.

  • Prerequisites:
    1. Soviet Barracks
    2. Soviet Radar
  • Main Armament: PRP Radiation Beam Caster
  • Cost: 800
  • Trait:
    1. Uncrushable
    2. Deploy to spread radiation
Soviet Spy Icon


Spy leads a special warfare on the darkside of the battlefield. They can steal enemy technology, cripple enemy power facility, Jam radars, and bring enemy tactics to chaos.

  • Prerequisites:
    1. Soviet Barracks
    2. Soviet Radar
  • Main Armament: Disguise Kit
  • Cost: 1000
  • Trait:
    1. Steal technology
    2. Cripple powerplant
    3. Jam radar
    4. Disrupt tactics

Soviet Vehicles

Soviet MCV
Soviet MCV Icon

Soviet MCV

CA-55 MCV is the latest version of Soviet Construction Vehicle. Inherit the technology from the failed Object 972, it armed with a four-track suspension system, which tremendously improves its off-road mobility.

war miner
War Miner Icon

War Miner

The BH-2 War Miner is a Soviet ore harvester that modified from medium tanks. Armed with 45mm low caliber gun, the war miner can defend itself from infrantry ambush or light vehicle assault.

  • Prerequisite: Soviet Weapon Factory
  • Main Armament: 45mm 20-K
  • Ammunition: Armor Piercing High Explosive
  • Cost: 1400
  • Trait: Harvest Ore
rhino tank
Rhino Tank Icon

Rhino Tank

T-56 "Rhino" is the successor of the famous T-44 medium tank, it comes with lower profile and great upper plate angle. Also, its mobility is rather nice, that makes it a universal purpose tank.

  • Prerequisite: Soviet Weapon Factory
  • Main Armament: 100mm D-56TS
  • Ammunition: Armor Piercing Compound Rigid
  • Cost: 1600
  • Trait: N/A
Flak Track
Flak Track Icon

Flak Track

BTR-152Z flak track is an anti-air derivative from the BTR-152 APC. Its suspension system has been modified into half-track system, and increased its off-road mobility and heavy load ability. Armed with twin 23mm flak gun, its fire power is absolutely stunning.

  • Prerequisite: Soviet Weapon Factory
  • Main Armament: 23mm AZP-23P
  • Ammunition: Armor Piercing High Explosive
  • Cost: 1000
  • Trait: Loads 5 Passengers
Tesla Tank
Tesla Tank icon

Tesla Tank

The TT-50 Tesla Tank is one of the most succeed special purpose armored vehicle, with the support of tesla technology, it armed with a set of hyper-power tesla coil, can destroy the electronic system and weapon handling system of enemy vehicles while doing damage.

Mobile Radar
Mobile Radar Icon

Mobile Radar

Since the Allied Force in Western Europe uses stealth technology to counter the Soviet blitzkriegs, the Ministry of Defense Industry quickly projects new detection methods. Armed with P-34 high power radar, the mobile radar becomes the eagle's eyes for the Soviet army.

Katyusha Rocket Artillery
Katyusha Rocket Artillery Icon

Katyusha Rocket Artillery

The BM-15 Katyusha Rocket Artillery has been modified from its predecessor. With six large high explosive rockets, the Katyusha can destroy enemy structure in distance. However, it is vulnerable in closed quarter combat.

Apocalypse Tank
Apocalypse Tank icon

Apocalypse Tank

The KV-550 "Apocalypse" is the ultimate successor of the Kliment Voroshilov Series, one of the most famous Soviet heavy tank production line. The heavy armored Apocalypse armed with twin barrel high velocity cannon and rocket launcher, playing the role of the superior devastator.

MiG icon


MiG is one of the most famous Soviet jet fighter in the world. It carries 4 air to ground missile that can destroy almost any target at once.

Kirov Airship
Kirov Airship Icon

Kirov Airship

Kirov airship is a fantastic invention of the Soviet engineers. Although Kirov airship is slow, but it has decent armor and daunting firepower.